Mercury Retrograde…Is it a real thing?

Updated 04/19/2023

Mercury Retrograde is here again!

What is Mercury in Retrograde and is it a real thing?

Well, yes and no and here’s why: Yes, because Mercury Retrograde is the period when the planet Mercury seems to slow, and then start moving backwards. However, sort of NO, becuase it is an optical trick due to the different speeds of planets on their orbital path from the vantage point of Earth. It’s actually making a loop that gets closer to the sun and then it dips back down all while moving forward in a slower orbit than it normally does.

For some, Mercury is the Roman god of Communication (otherwise known as the Greek god, Hermes). His domain also extends to travel, technology, legal contracts, new ventures, and business. Communication can be disrupted in all ways during this time, Within people talking, body language, electronics, machinery, mail etc.

The Good News Is

Although, Mercury Retrograde is associated with confusion, delay, & frustration, based on planets moving in retroactive opposition.  However, intuition can be higher during these periods, so coincidences can feel extraordinary.

 There are some suggested To Do’s and Don’t during this time:

The To Do list:

  • Re-evaluate how you manage time.

  • Re-member to place things that can get easily lost in the same quick to find places (placement of important documents, keys, your glasses, appointments)

  • Re-view all communications before sending vie email, text or snail mail.

  • Re-new and re-store areas like your self care.

  • Re-cognize your wholeness so that you feel complete everyday.

  • Consider it a period to review your life and finish things that you’ve once started.

  • Be forgiving. Resolve things that you need to let go of.

The Don’t list: 

  • Sign legal binding contracts without getting a second or third opinion.

  • Close out of electronic documents without saving or back thing them up.

  • Leave late for your timely obligations.

  • Think before you speak or take action before you are ready

Supportive crystals may also help!

Aquamarine, Amazonite, Smokey Quartz & Hematite.

Aquamarine; the crystal for flow

Aquamarine helps with flow, as it embodies the soothing energy and spirit of the element water.

Amazonite; The Clear Communicator

Amazonite is a throat energy crystal. Amazonite helps us with clear communication with others. Amazonite brings a sense of calmness and allows you to fully and effectively express yourself. They can soothe you spiritually. Amazonite gives you the hope and courage to get through tough times.


The Confusion Picker-Upper; Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz can clear confusion and teaches us how to accurately see through "smoking mirrors" which is necessary for growth.

 The Guardian Crystal; Hematite

Hematite is known as the guardian crystal. Utilize this one to rid yourself of negative thinking as this stone has grounding and crown energy support. This is like wrapping up the frequency of Mercury Retrograde into a container that cannot harm you. Hematite is the crystal bow on top. 

 How to work with these:

Within a Seated Meditation:

  • During a Seated Meditation while Crystal Gazing; instructions:

  • Place all crystals in front of you while seated.

  •  Choose the crystal that you want to work with first and place it in your left hand.

  •  Hold one of the other crystals as a support in your right hand. The third & fourth crystals can remain in front of you as visual reminders.

  • Breathe in and out comfortably. This can be as little as 30 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable.

Before finishing this mediation spend a few seconds thinking about how you feel. Tap into gratitude before ending.

 Within an Active Styles of Meditation:

This meditation can also be done while walking, dancing or any other activity. Just have your crystals in your pockets and tap into their energies that are already within you.

Within a Journaling Session:

Journaling is a great way to beat the dysfunctional communication that may happen during Mercury Retrograde. Take priority over your thoughts and you internal dialogue during this time by writing down what the answers to some probing questions.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. What setbacks are you experiencing? What could these opportunities mean for you? What might they be teaching you?

2. What do you feel ready to let go of spiritually/energetically, physically, emotionally, mentally? When letting go how will you fill up what’s you are removing? What ripple effects will this cause for others?

3. What repetitive signs, signals, or messages are you receiving during this period? What themes of your life are they tied to? Repeat messages point to solutions and opportunities for change.

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