FREE Digital Pack of 7 Self Love Affirmation/Altar Cards - (New Moon Edition)


These New Moon Self Love Affirmation/Altar Cards are designed for you to work with at the time of the new moon for calling in self-love and empowerment. These beautifully crafted cards serve as reminders of our inner worth and the importance of nurturing ourselves. Utilize them by placing them on your altar or any other sacred space during the new moon phase as a focal point for intention setting and reflection. These cards are digital however they can be printed.

Here are three ways in which to utilize them:

1) meditate with the cards, allowing their imagery and affirmations to inspire deep self-reflection and connection with your innermost desires.

2) use them as prompts for journaling, writing down thoughts, feelings, and aspirations related to self-love and personal growth.

3) View or visualize a card throughout the day as a tangible reminder to prioritize self-care and honor your journey towards self-love and empowerment.

The link to download these will be sent on a separate email. These 7 cards are 4.25 x 5.5

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